Asset Allocation & Modern Portfolio Theory

Planning your investments against interest rate, inflation, and market risks.

Planning that you don't outlive your money.

Utilizing Asset Allocation to plan to meet your short, mid, and long-term goals.

Putting the financial pieces in place.

Distribution of estate, wills, and trusts.

Specific estate planning strategies.

The purpose of estate planning.

Avoiding probate.

How to avoid losing up to 40% of your retirement plan on the day you walk away.

How naive we are in understanding the market…great opportunities, great risks.

How to "preserve" and "protect" our assets against a plunging market.

The bank: is it the place to "save" money

Basic principles of cash management & accumulating wealth.

Roadblocks to financial success.

The importance of having a financial blueprint.

Locating & maximizing discretionary income.
How to Buy Foreclosures & Short Sales

Factors to consider when deciding if you want to buy a foreclosure or a short sale.

Where to look for properties - tips on shopping and how to evaluate homes.

Buyer protections and what special due diligence a buyer needs to do.

How to make the best offers and secrets of negotiation.

How do they get my personal information?

What to do if you're the victim?

What do they do with it?

Warning signs & Steps to prevent fraud.
Investment Concerns in a Fragile Market

The U.S. Economy is heating up, learn how to grow your money wisely.

Why "down" markets create investment "opportunities" for the wise investor.

The "cash flow" eliminator, spending before planning is "terminal" to investing.

Do you know what you're doing when you invest?
Legal Lessons for Life

The best way to hold title to the home and protect it from creditors.

Uniform Gift to Minors Act - does it help or hurt your children?

Use a living trust to eliminate probate delays, costs and legal fees.

Minimize your estate tax exemptions.
Mortgage Strategies in Today's Market

Purchasing your first or second home.

100% financing - yes it can still be done.

Refinancing, is it still a good idea?

Foreclosures, what to look for.
Real Money - Real Estate

Market smart investments every seller should know.

Tips and basic strategies for buying rental properties.

How to avoid the 10 biggest selling mistakes.

How to sell a home in today's market.
Reverse Mortgages

Get the truth and facts about how a Reverse Mortgage can improve your life.

Can I leave my house to my children and still have a Reverse Mortgage?

Does the bank take away from your house?

What can you use the money for?
Social Security Explained

Filing for benefits and the type of benefits are you eligible to receive.

Difference between full retirement age and delayed retirement.

Retirement planning strategies.

Annuity type distinction.
Stress and Your Health

What stress does to anyone under financial difficulties?

To what extent can you control stress in your life?

Effects of stress and what creates the stress response in the body?

What action steps can you take?
Tax Planning

The impact of taxes on investment qualified plan distributions.

Most common tax mistakes made by most people.

Formula for determining one's tax liability.

Tax planning vs. tax preparation and current tax law changes.
Understanding 401K Rollovers

Why is this so important?

Evaluating and understanding the risks & rewards of your options.

Your choices when facing job changes.

Benefits of the Asset Allocation.
Women Approaching Retirement & Beyond

Life insurance, Long-Term Care insurance and Estate Planning.

Planning for your retirement.

Women and money.

Risk Management

How to address the high cost of college.

Developing a college investment plan.

The new Educational IRA.

Maximizing financial aid.

Looking at your options at distribution time from a company retirement plan.

Understand the impact of erosion through inflation & taxation.

Proper steps in reviewing 401K performance.

Why plan design is critical.

First time buyer’s money saving secrets.

8 tips every buyer must know.

6 deadly sins to avoid when buying a home.

The power of interest only.
Getting Your Financial House in Order

What is "debt roll down" and how it works for the average consumer buried in debt.

Different financial tactics to pay down or pay off your home mortgage early.

How to use your tax refund to possibly eliminate debt.

The pros and cons of the bi-weekly mortgage.
How to Increase Your Health and Wellness

The collapse of the allopathic medical model of disease care.

The excessive cost of this model of disease care.

Recognizing that society is rapidly moving towards the wellness model of health care.

Know yourself - identifying your characteristics.

Budgeting, debt management and understanding the risks & returns of investing.

The different types of investments.

Planning for your retirement.
Is a Roth IRA Right for You?

How to reduce your Social Security income included as taxable income.

How to provide heirs with a lifetime of income tax-free distribution.

Strategies to help reduce the impact of the conversion tax.

How to reduce your future income taxes.
Life Insurance and You

Life Insurance 101 - Who needs life insurance?

What are the types of Life Insurance?

How can Life Insurance be used?

How do I file a claim?
Preparing for Long Term Care

Who pays for Extended Care?

What is Extended Care?

Who may need Extended Care or Long-Term Care insurance?

What about Medicaid or Medicare?
Refinancing Your Mortgage 101

Finding the right loan for you.

Debt consolidation loan.

Mortgage myths.

Key questions.
Roth IRA - America's Next New Tax Break

Avenue to shield Social Security income from taxation.

Protect retirement and beneficiary assets from RMD's.

Create tax risk diversifications in retirement.

Advanced tax and estate management.
Strategies for a Sustainable Income in Retirement

Establish retirement goals.

Estimating retirement income.

Tax advantaged savings vehicles.

Investment considerations.
Taking Control of Your Cash - Eliminating Debt

Tips on how to stop living paycheck to paycheck.

Answer questions about your financial future.

Useful information to aide in eliminating debt.

Strategies when developing a budget.
The U.S. Housing Crisis

The best option… Home Retention - keeping people in their homes.

Why banks agree to short sales & steps to a successful short sale considerations.

Possible Legal action against a lender.

Loan Modifications.
Understanding Critical Disability Issues

Who needs disability insurance? How do I get coverage?

What are the sources of disability insurance & what role do they play in my coverage?

Am I covered through my employer? Am I covered through the state?

What about Workers Compensation?

What is in your credit report?

Your credit health and how to improve your credit.

How to check your credit score and five factors of scoring.

How your credit score helps you.